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Raymarine's most powerful navigation displays, The E-Series units combine chartplotter, fishfinder,radar,instrument data and on board video into a highly customizable and easy to use navigation network.

Information rich Navionics charts on CompactFlash cards provide ultra fast screen redraw thanks to an on board graphics coprocessor. When connected to the Raystar GPS sensor for Satellite Differential GPS accuracy, Relative, True and Auto-ranging Motion modes let you view your chart just as you like it.

Digital Fishfinder
Patented High Definition digital fishfinder technology. When you add the optional remotely mounted DSM300 Digital Sounder Module with 600 or 1000 watt and ultra high performance transducer options, you'll be able to zoom into any portion of the water column for incredible detail.

Add a compatible radome or open array radar antenna and the E-Series will display Radar/chart overlay with MARPA (Mini Automatic Radar Plotting Aid) target tracking. Place waypoints directly on the radar to provide visualization like never before.

Dual or Multi-station operation with SeaTalk hs HighSpeed Networking. The E-Series allows you to connect remote cameras or on board video entertainment sources, Access engine instrument data and display your navigation on the flat screen in your salon, all at the same time.

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